In a distressing social media post, maltese father detailed the intense emotional pain he was experiencing, blaming his ex-wife and her family for relentless vindictive actions. He expressed feeling alienated from his daughter, and accused her mother and others of using the child as a weapon against him. He described how protection orders were unjustly used to isolate him from his daughter, contributing to his sense of despair.
In His post, which was a cry for help, triggered immediate concern, leading to his rescue before he could carry out his threats. He urged authorities to take action against what he perceived as a misuse of the legal system, which he believed was pushing him towards suicide. He also called on other fathers facing similar challenges to protest and make their voices heard.
In the post, he expressed a wish for his organs to be donated and for any memorial funds to be directed to charity, highlighting his desire for simplicity and meaning in his final arrangements. His rescue has brought attention to the critical need for intervention in cases of severe emotional distress linked to family disputes.
Conrad Borg Manche also commented on the situation, stating, "Meta l-aspetti emozzjonali u psikoloġiċi tal-individwi ma jiġux ikkunsidrati biżżejjed, jistgħu jwasslu għal konsegwenzi serji ħafna, mhux biss għall-ġenituri, iżda wkoll għall-familji tagħhom u l-komunità usa'."
"When the emotional and psychological aspects of individuals are not adequately considered, it can lead to very serious consequences, not only for the parents but also for their families and the wider community."